Saturday, April 17, 2010

Toddler Favorite: Belly Button Book by Sandra Boynton

It can be tough to find great books for babies and toddlers. It's always a good idea to look for board books for children that age. But there are a lot of board books out there that clearly were menat for much older kids and just slapping that content into a board book doesn't make it appealing or appropriate for the under 2 crowd. The board books that do appeal to babies and toddlers are often so simple (pictures of babies, pictures of food, pictures of things to count, etc.) that they are boring for grown-ups. My daughter likes books like this, and they are great way for little ones to learn about their world - but I get really bored after repeat readings.

We have found some books that she and I both love that are totally age appropriate. One great one is Belly Button Book by Sandra Boynton. This book is funny and cute and helped make "belly" and "button" two of her first words. The text rhymes, which little ones love, and that's great for their early literacy development to hear how the sounds in words work. It also has a great rhythm and very clever illustrations of hippopotamuses and their "belly b's." It's also very funny - the hippos go to "Belly Button Beach" where "tons of hippos stand around in bathing suits too little because they hope you will admire the button on their middle." My daughter has enjoyed this book almost since she was a newborn.

Sandra Boynton's style is clever and simple, so her other books are good to consider for reading to babies and toddlers too. At our house, we also like Moo, Baa, La La La which I actually think helped my daughter learn several animal sounds. (All of sudden one day she knew what sound a horse made. I was surprised until I remembered how often we had been reading this book.)


Aimee Larsen said...

I love board books, we have two big buckets full of them. Tonight I read "The Napping House" and "Time for Bed" the little ones love those at bedtime. The images are soft and the stories are perfect for them at bedtime, they are so soothing. You're right though, just because it's a board book, doesn't mean it's for little ones. We have some odd ones in our bunch. Thanks for the great post.

Kristine Mullen said...

My kids LOVE just about all of the Sandra Boynton board books. She has a way of getting them to want to read it over & over.

Kristin said...

We still call bellybuttons "Bee-Bo"s. That is such a fun book. She has great rhythm and such a sense of humour in her books