Friday, June 25, 2010

Miss Nelson is Missing Allard/Marshall

I was in the book store the other day with Ariel, my sister, when I came across the book, "Miss Nelson is Missing". I grabbed it with excitement and went straight over to Ariel, held it up and said "LOOK!! Do You Remember this Book?" and she did! We were both pretty excited to buy it for my children... Sadly my husband had not ever had it read to him, so that night my little girl, my little boy, my husband and I all cuddled up in my daughters full size bed and I read this story to them!!

If you have not read it before it is a must have I just love it!

The Story is all about the kids in room 207 and how they are all so bad.. So there teacher, Miss Nelson, has a plan.. And the kids soon meet there new teacher Miss Viola Swamp. Miss Viola Swamp is not a nice teacher at all and the kids really start to miss their old teacher!


Aimee Larsen said...

Sadly, this has been the case for my husband as well. We try to remedy that the same way, by having him read with us. It's been awhile, we have some catching up to do with him. Miss Nelson is a classic. I would LOVE to know if any teacher out there has actually done this???

Mo said...

Oh, I love this one too. I have used it frequently with classes of young elementary schoolers. It's great to see their realization of the TRUE identity of Miss Viola Swamp when they examine that picture at the end of the story.

Mary Beth said...

I just Love it! Mo, when I was little I can remember sitting in the library and having this story read to me.. I too was amazed!

amelia said...

i remember!!!
love it!
my kids would too :)
thanks for the reminder!