Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jamberry by Bruce Degen and more berry fun!

Jamberry by Bruce Degen has become a favorite book in our house for it's colorful and complex pictures and rollicking rhymes, which totally appeal to my almost 2-year-old. (The rhythm and rhyme help children develop phonological awareness, an important early literacy skill that basically means the child is learning about how the individual sounds in words work.) This celebratory tale of a boy and a bear on a berry-filled fantasy journey is perfect for this time of year when blackberries are ripe for the picking, but it also celebrates blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries - so if you are looking to make a real life connection to the berries in this book, you can take your pick!

There are lots of easy, fun activities you can do with your kids to really bring this book to life. Try these:
*Make a picture using only berry colors - give your child markers, paints, or crayons in shades of blue, red, and purple. Or make a berry collage with papers/pictures in those colors.
*Visit a farmer's market, berry farm, or maybe even your neighbor's yard to see berries in a more natural environment than the supermarket.
*Older children can help make jam. A quick Google search for "easy refrigerator jam" yields lots of yummy-looking results.
*Recreate the Berryland band featured in the story. If you have instruments, get them out and have a parade. If you don't have instruments, look around the kitchen for pots and pans!
*Make connections with the letter B. Boy, Bear, and Berry are three words that start with "B" in this story. Help your child think of other words that start with "B".
*What is your child's favorite food? Could they write and illustrate a fantasy adventure featuring that food?
*Read some other berry books - try the classic Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey, or The Little Mouse, the Ripe Red Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear by Audrey and Don Wood.

1 comment:

Hillery said...

This is one of my daughters favorite books. She is 22 months old. Thanks for the activity ideas. Love your blog.