Saturday, August 28, 2010

Letter Sound and Name Regonition Help

Letter Name Recognition and Letter Sound Recognition are the two most important predictors of reading achievement.  As a mom, educator and reading specialist I have searched for some of the best programs that are easily accessible and affordable for parents.  My children love playing with letters in the form of puzzles because under each letter is a picture they can relate too.  However, a parent can not stop there.  Children need to be introduced to the sounds letters make.  Letters are simply symbols for the sounds that week make when we say a word.  So, when we lift the "A" for airplane we focus more on the sound of "A" in the beginning of the word "/a/irplane".  This can be done with any alphabet book as well.

Let me also introduce you to Starfall...

4 year old using Starfall

Starfall helps children learn to read with phonics by introducing them to phonemic awareness [phonemes are the smallest units of sound].  The website is free to use but you can purchase the program so that you don't have to have the Internet to use it.  Even my littlest who is 3 can operate this mouse and play this program.  I'm amazed at what their little brains have been absorbing.  They now look for letters everywhere.  

Another inexpensive way to help children relate to letter sounds and letter names is through the Leap Frog programs.  My boys have LOVED watching the Letter Factory .

It is just another great way to introduce letter sounds and letter names.  Grab one or order them online and your little one will love it. 

Even though there are many games, toys and movies out there to teach children to read, the most important aspect of learning to read for a child is to be read to.  So, pull your little one up on your lap and read.

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