Thursday, March 10, 2011

Saving Strawberry Farm by:Deborah Hopkinson

We've had this book for a while, and I think I have only read it once. Every Night both of my children get to pick out one book each and we read before they go to bed. Ansley, my 4 year old, brought me Saving Strawberry Farm. And honestly I couldn't even remember what the story was about. As we all sat down on the couch cuddled up I began reading, The Sun was So Mean that Summer, it Seemed to chase all the clouds away. And please imagine my Georgia Accent as I read this next part, "It's hot enough to fry an egg on the street," Dad said. I wondered if an egg really would fry. But we couldn't waste one to try it. Mom made us eat just about every egg our scrawny chickens laid. My sweet little southern accented kids automatically fell in love with this book, as young as they are, They seemed to get it. Plus they loved the fact that I didn't have to try very hard to sound the part of the characters! Both the kids loved the illustrations, and talked about them on every page. The Moral of this Story is Amazing!! So Heart felt, the kids in this story end up helping Miss Elsie save her Strawberry Farm that she was about to loose to the bank. I am not going to tell the whole story but I could, I really loved it that much. The setting is during the great depression and the whole town got together to help out a great friend! Even though they didn't have much they made it happen.. And to celebrate they had Ice Lemonade!! Oh the things we take for granted.... So if you get a chance take your kid, no matter the age and read this book with them.. I even thought about taking it to my grandmothers and reading it with her.. Everyone likes to hear a good story!

Check it out at Amazon


PreschoolReader said...

Fun review! Looks like a great book! I'm adding it to our library watch list. Your daughter is adorable!

Aimee Larsen said...

I wish I could have been there to hear you read it. We'll have to check this one out! You know how much we love books!!!

Mary Beth said...

Thanks SO Much!! I am sure you will both Love it as well as your kids! My kids do not really understand the time period however the book still got their attention!

Deborah Hopkinson said...

Thanks so much for sharing my book. I love seeing my books in the hands of kids.

Deborah Hopkinson

Mary Beth said...

Deborah!!! Thank You!! Ansley and I absolutely love the book!