Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Great Books for Two-Year-Olds: Freight Train by Donald Crews

Seems like every two-year-old, boy or girl, loves trains. Freight Train by Donald Crews is sure to be a hit. This simple, engaging book features the bright colors of a rainbow-hued train and the straightforward illustrations (that still offer very interesting perspectives on the activities of a train) are perfect for toddlers and young preschoolers. Adults should be able to appreciate the artistry in the pictures too, as this was a Caldecott honor book in 1978. There's very little text in this book - sometimes just a few words on a page, so this is a title that young children can start "reading" on their own - they will have it memorized before long.

Take the train theme further and sing train songs, make a rainbow train out of construction paper like the one in the book, or take a pretend train ride in a cardboard box train. If your child is interested in transportation, check out some of Donald Crews' other books, like School Bus or Truck.

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